Hoffen ist ein Verb am Ende

Performance 18.11 at 4 pm

19.11___ 30.11.2023

Hennicker-Schmidt initiate a process. They power up the machines. Expectations rise, tension likewise. Don't we all want to go somewhere? At least a bit away from here. In “Hoffen ist ein Verb am Ende” Hennicker-Schmidt perform a loop of joyful anticipation and disappointment. Inspired by the particular place and our time. Those who give up early have already lost. Start your engines. It's happening again.

Hennicker-Schmidt starten einen Vorgang, fahren die Maschinen hoch. Erwartungen steigen, die Spannung dito. Wollen wir nicht alle irgendwo hin? Zumindest doch mal weg von da. In “Hoffen ist ein Verb am Ende” performen Hennicker-Schmidt einen Loop aus freudiger Erwartung und Enttäuschung. Inspiriert vom Ort und unserer Zeit. Wer lange aufgibt, hat schon früh verloren. Starten ist das Ziel. Es geht schon wieder los.

Performance and opening on November 18th at 4 pm.

Sound installation playing daily from the 19th until the 30th of November.

Guided visits by appointment.

Photographic documentation: Alex Jeskulke

About the artist


We have been working together as the artist duo Hennicker-Schmidt since 2013, when we met at the Munich Academy. Our common interest in the physical exploration of spaces and things and the desire for shared development processes brought us together as a duo. We work with objects, spaces, videos, language and performances and combine these different elements into multimedia installations and environments.

Thematically, we work close to our lived everyday life and deal with the relationship of man to his environment. In doing so, we try to create symbols that refer to larger contemporary themes. (For some time now, especially the relationship between digital and analog realities as a partially chaotic hybrid mixture) We work to make situations found or constructed on site readable as concrete metaphors for more abstract problematics.